A Conversation for Participant Assessment of their Experience of the Event

The Situation
The group has just been through a workshop. The facilitator wants the group to reflect briefly on their experience of the workshop.
Rational Aim
To clarify the impact of the workshop on the group.
Experiential Aim
To celebrate the work done and experience its importance.
This reflection needs to be short: about 10-12 minutes.
If a more extended reflection is needed after an event, the group should take a break and come back for it.
Other Applications
You can use similar questions to reflect on any group event.
The Conversation
Let’s look back at our experience of this workshop.
Objective Questions
What are some of the things we did in this workshop?
What words or phrases did you hear in the team reports?
Reflective Questions
What were high points of the workshop for you?
What were low points?
Where did we struggle most?
Interpretive Questions
What was the turning point in the workshop?
What new vantage point has this workshop given us?
Decisional Questions
What’s the next step in implementing what we saw in this workshop?
This workshop has been a significant step in our journey.

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